Tuesday 5 February 2013


Because I was not able to get an actual artist for my magazine, I decided to write the interview myself but I did it in the style of an actual conversation with someone else.
I did ask my friend a few of these questions for example 'If you were on a desert island, what three things (non-survival) would you bring with you and why?' so then it gives it more of a sense that this person has more of their own personality.


 There has been talk of a new album. Is it true?
Yes, I am not sure if I am allowed to say or not but yeah. I am really excited about it. We have recently been running through the songs for now and next week we are shooting for the album cover which is pretty exciting.

Who is your inspiration?
Hmm... It’s difficult to pick just one. There are so many! I love this band called Branches. They write some beautiful folk/indie music but I also just adore old school rock and roll like Chuck Berry and The Beatles. I have a variety but I guess they are all my inspirations. 

When did you decide that you wanted to be a musician?
When I was about 8 years old, I went to this festival, I can never remember the name of it but, I remember seeing the Kaiser Chiefs playing and they were amazing as ever and the crowd loved them. I wasn’t tall enough to see them play so my mum lifted me up and placed me on the recycling bin, while holding my hand obviously. I was waving so much at the main singer and suddenly he smiled at me and waved back. I was so happy and from what my mum tells me, I was jumping up and down with excitement. From that point on, I wanted to be that person on stage who made people happy with their music, I wanted to be the person who smiled and waved and made people’s day better.
If you were on a desert island, what three things (non-survival) would you bring with you and why?
Oooh... That’s a hard one. I would probably say my computer, a dongle for the internet because my life would be over without it and 'Looking for Alaska' by John Green which is just the best book in the entire world. I could re-read that book a million times and never get bored.

How did you get the idea for the song ‘In your arms’?
Well, I am a huge musical geek and so when I went to see Les Miserables, I fell in love with all of the characters and songs. I cried my eyes out when Eponine died. I loved her so much and the idea of dying in the arms of someone who you love but it is unrequited was so upsetting, but she was also inspirational because she did the right thing to give the guy who she loved the letter from the girl that he was in love with. I decided to sing it coming from her point of view and I still think of this amazing heroine when I sing that song.

Favourite song of all time?
Definitely ‘Try This at Home’ by Frank Turner. I just am in love with his music and it always makes me feel so much better. He is so political with his music and this one is always one that I can dance to in my room at home. All my cares go away when I listen to that song so yeah, definitely Mr Turner’s song.

If you could, what artist would you love to collaborate with? (Dead or alive)
John Lennon, bless him. I wish that I could go back and meet him. I would just love to do a song with that man. That would be the most amazing thing if that were to come true. If I could only choose someone who is alive though... well... I would have to say Brandon Flowers or Laura Marling. They are both too good.

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